Project Description





Intense Pulsed Light

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), is a technology used by cosmetic and medical practitioners to perform various skin treatments for aesthetic and therapeutic uses including:

  • Fast, effective permanent hair removal on all skin types, including tanned skin (Certain areas might require electrolysis to achieve 100% removal)
  • Photorejuvenation to reduce the appearance of fine lines and uneven pigment.
  • Benign epidermal pigmented lesions (sun damage, brown spots/age spots).
  • Vascular treatments (spider veins and rosacea.).
  • Active Acne / Speeds clearance.

When comparing to laser technology, IPL can filter the light spectrum to target various chromophores in the skin.


Q. Can IPL cause cancer?

No, it is a safe procedure and will not cause cancer. IPL is not radiation therapy; it is focused light with different wavelengths. Furthermore, if you google this question you will read that many doctors state these facts.

Q. What machine do we use?

At Esthetique & Spa Madame Terry, we use the latest generation in IPL technology; the AngeLite from Silhouet-Tone, a leader in the Aesthetic market, to deliver optimal performance on multiple skin types. Also, the AngeLite is Health Canada, FDA, TÜV, CE, and CSA certified.

Q. Is it a painful procedure?

Most people will say no not at all. Of course, some areas are more sensitive than others and may cause discomfort for a few seconds. This latest machine also incorporates what is called an Integrated Patient Comfort Cooling System (PCC) to ensure optimal and consistent cooling, regardless of treatment time, providing the highest level of comfort.

Q. What effect does it have on your face?

IPL is performed to help diminish the appearance of superficial hyperpigmentation, and photo-damage, as well as diminish fine lines, wrinkles, acne, and shallow acne scars. A further benefit of IPL is enhanced skin penetration by other skin creams and serums. Removing dead skin will aid in the penetration of skin care products and medications by up to 50%.

Q. Do you need a doctor to perform this procedure?

No. It is a non-invasive procedure, and it is performed in-office by a trained skin care professional. Furthermore, all staff at Esthetique & Spa Madame Terry are certified Estheticians as well as having been trained and certified by the maker of the equipment.

Q. Is this treatment available for men?

Yes absolutely, in fact, recent polls show that many men are becoming more and more interested in a permanent hair removal procedure such as IPL in place of constant waxing.

Q. How long does it take to perform treatment with IPL?

Since we personalize every treatment to fit your needs and depending on the type of skin you have, the amount of hair, skin tone and the area worked on; the procedure lasts anywhere from 10 minutes to 90 minutes.

Q. Is there any recovery time?

No recovery time is not required after IPL and most people immediately return to daily activity after a session. There could, however, be minor skin sensitivity after an IPL treatment. Irritating products such as glycolic acids or fragranced creams and lotions should be avoided on the day of the procedure. It is strongly recommended to avoid the sun and use sunscreen after the treatment.

Q. Anything else I should know?

Finally, depending on the use of IPL for photorejuvenation or hair removal, the treatment must be repeated every 4 to 6 weeks. The number of procedures needed can vary significantly from person to person depending on skin tone, hair color and more. It is important to note that IPL hair removal cannot guarantee 100% removal and specific areas might require electrolysis to complete the process.

Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.